Transvestites & transsexuals' teach-in
ANGELA DOUGLAS Four male transvestites and two transsexuals visited the Los An- geles City College campus on June 2 as part of a Gay Liberation Front-organized teach-in. The tvs and transsexuals are members of TAO and TSO (Transvestite and Transsexual Action and Social Or- ganizations) which were recently formed in LA.
Tammy, Denise, Tracy, Maria, and Diane (and myself) spoke with hundreds of LACC students about transvestism and transsexualism for about three hours. The students were polite and very interested, and several straight girls dis cussed male chauvinism with us. GLF people spoke with students about the problems of gays in gen- eral and about gay liberation. Sev- eral gay students proclaimed them- selves during the teach-in.
Most of the questions asked of us concerned the problems faced by tvs and transsexuals in our daily lives-for example, what happens
Transvestite Transsexual Social Organization meets every Wednes day, 3938 Sunset. TSO is planning several private "coming out" dances and parties and hopes to hold a dance if a suitable location can be found.
Female and male transvestites and transsexuals of any sexual orientation are invited to join TAO, TSO, or both, or to start other groups. No dues, member- ship fees. etc.
Reprinted from Los Angeles Free Press
when a straight guy picks up a tv and discovers the truth.
Many students were surprised to learn that many tvs are not gay, and this is one of the reasons.TAO and TSO came into being.
TAO is basically designed for practicing, experienced tvs and transsexuals to eliminate much un- necessary discussion with people not so experienced. TSO is de signed to help bring closet tvs out into the sunlight and to provide in- formation about transvestism and transsexualism. Both groups are open to male and female trans- vestites and transsexuals straight, gay, bi, or asexual. TAO meets on Thursdays and TSO meets on Wednesdays, 3038 Sun- set, Hollywood, 8:00 P.M. Coming out dances, parties, and other ac- tions are planned. TAO asks that anyone coming to the TAO meet- ings wear appropriate attire.
When asked by the students why we had come to LACC, we re plied, "to help people face the re ality of us."
Transvestite Transsexual Action Organization meets every Thurs- day, 3038 Sunset. Practicing tvs and transsexuals invited; please come in appropriate clothing.
Several actions designed to ex- pose male chauvinists in the GLFLA have produced excellent results, verifying charges made recently by Women's Liberation that GLFLA has become male chauvinistic. Female homosexual participatim is less than one per cent. TAO is in full and complete' sympathy with Women's Lib.
Training in aikido is the goal of TAO for 1970.
Note: GLFLA refers to Gay Liberation Front of Los Angeles. TAO & TSO are split offs from that group but have their origin in the Gay movement . . . Ed.